We are delighted to once more retain our two EPRA Gold awards for both our 2023 Annual Report as well as for our 2023 Sustainability Reporting.

The annual EPRA BPR awards aim to improve professional standards and the consistency of performance reporting across listed real estate companies in Europe.

2019 saw EPRA update their methodology and this has put emphasis on greater transparency and stricter compliance, with the primary goal of increasing investor confidence in the reported figures.

This year, EPRA members were also required to include the EPRA Loan-to-Value (EPRA LTV) metric for the first time. This is a further step for EPRA members  towards maximum transparency in their reporting to investors.

"As an EPRA member, we are committed to transparent reporting to our stakeholders across the EPRA Performance Measures. We are delighted to again retain our Gold standard awards across both our annual results and sustainability reporting."

Michael Morris Chief Executive